
Friday 24 April 2015

My Favorite Ways To Get Hydrated

Staying hydrated doesn't have to be a chore, I've always thought water was the most boring drink in the world, but I have really forced myself to make the efforts necessary to make drinking water more fun. Buy a fun water bottle if it helps, whatever motivates you to stay hydrated!

Consider this: Men's bodies are made of about 60% and women are made up of about 55% water. (source) Water is crucial for our body's to work properly, we cannot function properly without it. Always having water available to you is key, keep water on your desk at work, next to you when you play video games, in your school bag and especially when you workout.

Here are different ways I drink my H2O:

Water infused with Fruit

Water doesn't have to be boring, poor yourself a glass of water and try adding different kinds of fruit and veggies. I love adding lemon to my water in the morning, it kick starts your metabolism and adds an awesome flavor that I love (I'm kind of obsessed with lemons). Adding cucumber slices is another way to add a hint of flavor to your water & it always makes me feel like I’m at a spa, I usually do this when I’m taking a nice relaxing bath before bed. If you’re looking for something a little sweeter, try adding blueberries or slices of strawberries to your glass of water! Mix it up, find your favorite fruit infused water, have fun with it!

Sparkling Water

Using my SodaStream I can carbonate my water in about 3 seconds, it adds a little something different to my daily water intake & you can add fruit to the carbonated water to add more flavor. SodaStram machines go for about $130 CAN and can save you allot of money, instead of buying sparkling water at the store, why not make it yourself! (It also helps the environment!)


Another great way to add some flavor to your water is by infusing it with tea leaves; you can get all sorts of different flavors and benefits! I recommend going to a specialty tea store and getting a tea infuser. Check our Teavana for fun and fancy ways to make tea. Add some coconut oil for extra flavor and additional nutritional value.
*Remember - If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated!xx

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